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Pegasus Astro

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NGC 4565 Galaxy

The NGC 4565 Galaxy is also known with the name Needle Galaxy because of its narrow profile, but it is a spiral galaxy. The galaxy located in the constellation Coma Berenices and is about 30 million light years away from us and has a diameter of 100,000 light years.

Location / Exposure Dates

Mauna Keratea Obs, Ιούνιος 2013


Toscano 10" Truss RC f/9 Astrograph with AP CCD67 Τelecompresor at f6.4


Celestron CGE Pro


QHY9 CCD, Temp -25 C


TS 65Q , QHY5L II, PHD Guide

Filters / Exposures

L 35x300 sec bin 1x, RG   6x300 bin 1x , B 9x300 bin 1x

Total Exposure Time

4,5 ~ ώρες


Nebulosity 3, Maxim DL, Pixinshight, Photoshop CS6.


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