Επιλογή Γλώσσας
Pegasus Astro

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Astrophotography is a special type of photography, on the mapping of celestial objects in our solar system as the Sun, Moon, Planets and comets but also millions of other issues out of it as nebulae, star clusters, galaxies, etc. are located items in huge for our daily data, distances ranging from a few thousand miles for our solar system to millions of light years from Earth for deep sky.

The shooting of amateur astrophotography done with astronomical CCD cameras Digital DSLR cameras or even a simple or modified WEB camera.

The techniques of astrophotography vary depending on the theme and existing staff. Then main ones are:
1. Photography with tripod subjects such as portraits of the Milky Way, constellations and star trails.
2. Photography DSLR or CCD camera in the main focus of a telescope known as Prime Focus mainly on deep sky photography.
3. Photographing focusing the eyepiece of the telescope
4. Piggy back - where camera placed over Equatorial support for shooting wide field objects using telephoto lenses.
5. Photographing using web cam and video camera mainly specialized for planetary imaging

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