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Pegasus Astro

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M 17 Omega Nebula 

Messier 17 or NGC 6618 also Known as Omega Nebula and Swan Nebula is the constellation Sagittarius. The Omega Nebula is between 5.500 light-years from Earth and it spans some 15 light-years in diameter. The image taken with narrowband filters in HTS Hubble Telescope Color palette.


Location / Date

Mauna Keratea Obs August 2010-11


WO Zenith Star ED70

Field Flattener

Astro -Tech 2”


Sky Watcher EQ6 Pro


QHY9 KAF 8300 mono CCD, Temp -25 C

Guiding QHY 5, TS Finder 8x50

Filters / Exposures

Ha = 18x1200 bin 1x , Oiii=12x900 bin 2x , Sii= 12x900 bin 2x

Total Exp[osure Time

15 hours


Nebulosity 2, Deep Sky Stacker, PixInsight, Photoshop CS5, Starry Night, EQmod

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