Επιλογή Γλώσσας
Pegasus Astro

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Solar System

Our solar system consists not only of the Sun and the eight planets that revolve around it, but of many other objects existing in Sun’s gravitational field, like asteroids, comets, Kuiper’s belt objects and Oort’s Cloud objects.

Solar system is divided in four areas.  The Inner Planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars), the four planets which are made of stone and have almost the same constitution with Earth.  The Asteroid belt, an area with small objects between Mars and Jupiter.  The Outer Planets or Gas planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune).  They consist mostly of gases and they are much bigger than Earth.  And the area in the Outer solar system where Pluto, Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud belong.

Below there are pictures of solar system objects in scale and the Sun in scale compared with other stars.

Comet Lovejoy C2013 R1
Comet Lovejoy C...
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Comet Panstarrs C/2011 L4 (23/03/2013)
Comet Panstarrs...
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Comet Panstarrs C/2011 L4 (23/03/2013)
Comet Panstarrs...
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Comet Panstarrs C/2011 L4 (23/03/2013)
Comet Panstarrs...
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Comet Panstarrs C/2011 L4 (23/03/2013)
Comet Panstarrs...
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Comet Garradd C2009/P1
Comet Garradd C...
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Planet Saturn
Planet Saturn
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Solar Blots
Solar Blots
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Solar Blots
Solar Blots
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Solar Prominent
Solar Prominent
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Mounten Chain in Moon
Mounten Chain i...
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Planet Jupiter
Planet Jupiter
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Full Moon
Full Moon
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Holmes Comet - Keratea 09/11/2007 , Canon EOS 350, 300mm Lens, ISO 1600, One Shot 90sec
Holmes Comet - ...
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Holmes Comet - Keratea 09/11/2007 , Canon EOS 350,SW 150/750, ISO 1600, One Shot 60sec
Holmes Comet - ...
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Comet Lulin  C2007 N31
Comet Lulin C2...
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Comet Mc Naught C/2009 R1 - Mt Parnon 12/6/2010
Comet Mc Naught...
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Comet Hartley 2 103P - 4/10/2010, WO 105,QHY9, 3x120sec LRGB
Comet Hartley 2...
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Giants Stars and the Sun is a pixel
Giants Stars an...
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